JEREMIA Installation

Checking what's on your System

JEREMIA is a JAVA-based Database application. From this folows, that you need at least 4 elements for successfully running the application.

Getting the Software

Now we get the software, that is currently missing on your system.

Installation of the Java Runtime

The installation description can be found here Remember, where you installed the java runtime. We need the installation directory later in the installation process.

Installation of the database managament system

In a Multi-User/Multi-Server-Environment there is probably some database managament system installed. If you want high performance, high securtiy for the System: Use it. Ask your database adminstrator which database server to use (remember MySQL or Oracle). Because we need the Database administrator password during JEREMIA database installation, this is a good time to ask the database administrator for participation during your installation efforts. If you want to install the database management system on your own, do so.

Installing JEREMIA

Creating the database

Step 1 : Create the database in your mysql database system

Run your mysql client application. If your mysql database is installed at c:\mysql enter in a command prompt:


The program displays a welcome message and a prompt. Now enter the database creation command and run it with hitting the return key:

create database jeremia_db;

Now leave the database client


Step 2 : Install the tables and data

Execute the command : db.bat

Running the Application